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Flow Motion Media - Our Call To Action

Many people have a calling, and aspiring filmmakers often have grand ideas.

In this digital day-and-age, everyone wants to be a visionary director. There is nothing wrong with this mind-set; go achieve your dreams. Be the Master of your destiny, the Captain to your quest, or the Queen of your domain. While every project needs to be headed by someone it doesn't always have to be you. Take a seat once in awhile and watch the process of collaboration. It takes a group to scale a mountain.

And with any mountain, there needs to be a strong base or foundation. That's where Flow Motion Media comes in.

By creating a team of disciplined artists, we've become a legitimate source for online and offline media. Some of us have known since day one that we'd be telling stories in a visual medium; while others found that passion later on in life. We are an amalgamation of artists. All with a common dream... to create engaging stories. For us, it's about hard work while wearing many hats.

The hierarchy system is outdated. Everyone has a creative bone in them and Flow Motion Media is that outlet.

We know that when creative people combine their efforts they can fulfill those grand ideas. We want to utilize the talents of like-minded artists. We're always looking for our next project and who we want to bring in to our collaborative mix next. To tell stories and present them to an audience is what we're aiming at. We'll continue to be an audience ourselves, observing the changing world and entertainment industry. The climate we're working in is ever-evoloving.

There's no time like the present to fulfill your dreams. That's why we never stop working toward our creative endeavors. We're here to deliver quality content from dedicated artists.

Within a week (on 11/30) we'll be releasing the 'Pass the Potion' music video (pictured above), the song is by the Palmer Squares.

Soon after we'll post a video showcasing the Make It Better Foundation's annual Philanthropy Day tradition. Make It Better awards non-profit organizations for their efforts in improving lives. They spread happiness wherever they go, and we got to tag along and experience it first hand.

Our latest slow motion booth was at an exclusive Vevo event. The glitter was flying and the papparazzi were out in full force. This was one of the best booths we've done yet!

The music video for 'Mea Culpa' by Pines will be playing in Jouney's store locations in December. If you find yourself at Journey's, you might see our video on the screen!

To see what else we're sharing and working on, you can follow us on social media:

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Thanks for watching us grow and remember to go with the flow.

- The Flow Motion Team

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