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The Saga Continues

Sequels. Trilogies. Sagas. These are the things we all wish for after seeing an amazing new movie, but then often regret that wish when it’s granted. However, on those rare and luxurious occasions, there is a sequel that gives you hope again.

With Guardians of The Galaxy Vol. 2 being the most recent sequel and the new confirmation by the Guardians director, James Gunn that it will in fact be a trilogy, I feel it is only right to explore this and the possibilities that could follow.

Some movie franchises have made pretty epic sequels, and then the third one comes out and everyone just loses all hope in the franchise. We all remember Toby Maguire’s Spider-Man, (in my opinion) the first one was great, the second one was good and well the third one…. lets just say that when it came out on DVD, it was not worth my $10 allowance.

If we want to get into numbers, the total box office sales for Spider-man 3 were $67.2 million less than the first Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2 was $30.2 million less than the first film. I’m not saying that all trilogies are crap, I mean 14 year old me loved Toy Story 3, who doesn’t love an emotional drama involving animated toys?!?! And while I have heard great things about Lord of the Rings trilogy, I have not seen it because I somewhat feel like I’m betraying Harry, Ron and Hermione. But this blog post isn’t about my concerning obsession of all things Harry Potter, it is about… (in booming trailer voice) Guardians of the Galaxy!!!

I recently saw Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2, and I was not let down. The first film was just Chris Pratt’s character cracking jokes and didn’t have much emotional depth to the character (it was still epic though) but Vol. 2 doesn’t have that, Chris Pratt’s character shows so much emotional depth and layers in this film that drives the film alone. Unlike other sequels Vol. 2 didn’t spend the whole film piggybacking off of the first films jokes trying to get the same reaction. This film has brought back a sliver of hope for sequels and I am excited to see what this trilogy has to offer next.

Box Office Info:

Aaliyah Chapman is a current student at Tribeca Flashpoint College, and a frequent collaborator with Flow Motion Media. She will soon be venturing to the Cannes Film Festival.

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